Murder! at the Castle

Murder! at the Castle

Pirates, Knights, Mercenaries, Sorcerers, power hungry archbishops – this game has it all!

The marriage feast of Prince Steven and Princess Anna is a jolly affair filled with food, fun, and frivolity, until Prince Steven is found dead in his bed, stabbed through the heart. Now you must forego frivolity and determine the murderer before the king awakes and in his anger, executes all his guests – including you. The stakes are high. May God be with you all.

Our Murder Mystery Games have room for all levels of players. At registration, you choose Main Character, Side Character, or Spectator.  Your role will be e-mailed to you after registration, along with costuming ideas so you can be prepared (if you choose to costume!).

Themed dinner is provided!

Cost: $25/Person

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Sep 28 2024


6:00 pm – 9:00 pm